The Encounter of a Lifetime

Going from Disaster to a Life Transforming Dinner!

Your world is in pieces! The promises that Satan made to you have been more destructive than you had anticipated. And in the middle of the destruction your mind is plagued with questions such as these:

Is there still hope or is all hope gone?

Do I still have friends I can count on, or have they all abandoned me?

In the middle of the affliction, in the middle of the pieces of our world, there is good news! It doesn’t matter how severe the damage to our world is or how hopeless the situation may seem, there is hope!

That hope comes in this question: Is this seat taken? Read Revelation 3:20 to see who is asking and offering to give us hope especially in the most difficult moments. In this verse we can see that the one who is asking and offering us hope is Jesus. He is the one who is knocking at the door of our life because he wants to dine with us. Not as a stranger or a visitor, but as a close friend. And to all who open the door, he promises a restored fellowship with him.

The fact that Jesus is knocking on the door of our heart means that he is inviting us to spend time with him. He is asking us,

is this seat taken?

However, what will we do with that invitation? It’s possible that in the midst of our pain we do not trust in this invitation because after all, the last time we trusted in a similar invitation we ended up trying to pick up the pieces of our world. I want to assure you that this invitation is different. The invitation that Jesus is extending to us is not only an invitation to spend time with him, but also an invitation of renewal.

  1. In Revelation 21:5 we see that he makes everything new;
  2. in Jeremiah 29:11 we see that he plans for us to have a future and a hope; and
  3. in Hebrews 8:12 we see that he forgives our sins in such a way that he will not remember them.

If we have allowed Satan to sit at our table, we know that all he has done is destroy.

What if this time we open the door to our heart and allow Jesus to come in, sit at our table, and give him the opportunity to transform and restore our life?

When Satan and Jesus ask you, is this seat taken? To whom will you give the privilege to sit at your table? Remember, only one of them can sit with you and your response will determine if your world will be in pieces or if it will be filled with peace. If you find it difficult to decide, I hope you will remember these words of Jesus in John chapter 14 verse 27:

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

Carlos Caceres  

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